J Frankie Jurkowski, LMT

aka Cousin It

A little bit about my practice philospohy

Frankie is a graduate of The Center for Massage and Natural Health in Asheville, North Carolina. Her passion for medicine began while working as a field guide for young adults seeking healing. She discovered the power of wilderness as a means to address mental, emotional, and psychological trauma, which opened her eyes to various possibilities within the field of medicine.

For nearly twenty years, Frankie has worked in both backcountry and front-country settings as a Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician, an instructor for Wilderness First Responder and EMT courses, a massage therapist, and a volunteer street medic. She is currently a licensed massage therapist, a certified nursing assistant, a Wilderness First Responder, and practices herbal medicine.

Biography for Frankie Jurkowski, LMT, NaC, WFR

I believe that massage is a powerful hands-on health medicine that can prevent most corporeal ailments.

It is with this philosophy, my therapy sessions strategically utilize an integration of techniques that engages parasympathetic healing, assisting your body in the ability to make space for new realms of proprioceptive movement.

Frankie enjoys treating sports injuries, depression, insomnia, and digestive issues, and she focuses on cooperative care to help uncover the underlying causes of pain. She provides pre- and post-natal care for women navigating changes in their bodies, minds, and spirits. Additionally, she is certified in intraoral massage, which helps relieve Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD), offering deep relaxation and relief from tension in the face, neck, and jaw.

In her spare time, Frankie serves as a mountain guide in the Pacific Northwest with Wildland Trekking Company. She owns Ecotopia Botanical Company, a small herbal medicine practice, and enjoys woodworking. Frankie is an avid reader of Haruki Murakami, Italo Calvino and Ray Bradbury, along with nonfiction reference books. She loves exploring mountain forests, bicycling, practicing film photography, and drinking Earl Grey tea. In her next life she plans to work as a photojournalist for National Geographic.